donderdag 14 mei 2009

Please give me a set of adamantium bones...

Went to see the new Wolverine movie at the day it premiered in Belgium. The opening scene is superb but the movie is average at best. OK, there are some top moments like Emma Frost's appearence and the pressence of our favourite cajun (next to Lil Wayne) Gambit. On the other hand they totally fucked up the "Merc with a mouth" aka Deadpool.

The coolest part of the movie ironically happens when the movie is done. Fox has been distributing different copies of Wolverine to theaters: so if the main ending is the same for all, there are actually more than one after-credits scene.

The first one is about Wolverine 2 (detailing on the Japanese story arc) and the second one is about the Deadpool spin-off. Excuse me the poor quality as of these are made with mobile phones.

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